jeudi 12 février 2015

Tourism half mast in January, especially in Paris

Traditionally, the first month of the year is a slow month for tourism. But it was particularly hollow this year.

Stuck between Christmas and February vacation, January is traditionally a slow month for tourism in France. But this year it was particularly hollow, especially in Paris, where attacks against Charlie Hebdo led tourists and business people (especially Americans), to postpone their stay in the capital.

Result, hoteliers throughout last month showed an unusual decline in attendance of their establishments. The high end was the most affected segment. Between January 8 and January 18, the firm specialized studies MKG declined up to 10.2% (compared to the same period last year), the 5-star hotels and intramural palaces.
A 2014 almost stable

For hoteliers, which generally have had a virtually stable year in 2014 (the market fell 0.2% in terms of occupancy and average price), so it is a difficult year begins, but the trend January does not bode well for the future. Interviewed several Parisian hotel already seeing that after the slowdown experienced last month, demand is growing again and part of the delay begins to close.

"January and February are always the two least less frequented by tourists, says Thomas Deschamps, head of studies at the Paris Tourist Office. The trend this year is actually is down compared to a January 2014, which was good overall with 1.13 million visitors. We are cautiously optimistic, given the decline of the euro and lower oil prices, which are very encouraging factors for visits to Paris. Especially for Americans who should come more this year. "

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