jeudi 12 février 2015

The most important tourist areas in Istanbul

1 / Bosphorus:

Accommodation in Istanbul will not be complete without a trip on the ship above the Bosphorus, the strait that separates the winding Europe and Asia. Currently stands 330 meters next to the modem hotels yali (shorefront wooden villas), Algosoralazima beside the stone castles underdeveloped, and the juxtaposition of great vehicles and small fishing villages. The best way to see the Bosphorus to board one of the passenger steamer or a yacht that regularly Winding along the beaches. Go up in Amnono, and stop alternately on the Asian and European sides of the strait. Price of the trip shuttle, very reasonable (($ 25)), while the time is about six hours. If you want a special trip, there are agencies that specialize in organizing these trips, or at night or during the day and the most famous coral cruise company.

2 / Golden Horn:

This divides the downstream in the form of a century of European Istanbul. It is one of the best natural harbors in the world, was formerly a center for the Navy Alberntah, Ottoman and the interests of the shipping business.
Bay heading west from the Bosphorus Victr European section two, and 4 miles in length and width half-mile, and are crossing from above by a fixed and floating bridges and another was an old locked with chains to prevent the invasion of Marine City
Today, Parks attractive and charming plans on the shores of the Golden Horn gorgeous scenery especially while the sun go down on the water. Finnair and in bales, neighborhoods half way above the Golden Horn, there is a whole street filled with old wooden houses, mosques and churches. Byzantine Alosmaniho. Byzantine system settles in Fenner ... either Ottoman or above the Golden Horn in yup, there are some wonderful examples of architecture Ottoman Muslims come from all over the world to visit Jupp Kami ((mosque and tomb of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari)), may Allah be pleased with him, one of the famous places. The region is still a popular place of burial, and the hills above the dotted mosque evidences modern graves scattered ornate Ottoman stones. Pierre Loti Cafe, at the top of the hill overlooking the shrine, the Golden Horn, a wonderful place to enjoy Bhdo and watch the Golden Horn.

3 / Beyoglu and Taksim (division):

Beyoglu example of the affected area architecture European affected by the past century has the second oldest Qtarellonfaq Europe, built by the French in 1875 presents a comprehensive tour to the beginning of Taksim near Thunell there Galata district, whose Galata Tower became famous icons in Istanbul and from the top of the tower you can see much of the city. From Thunell area to Taksim Square, one of the city's central shopping points and Entertainment and hiking, and libraries, and the role of Alcinme, and restaurants and Anyarabat that sell cheap trinkets and Bzalesmsm Turkish (famous) and street crowded throughout the day until late in the night, and there is also the old Ambassart Buildings and fish market. Also on this street church oldest in the region, six Mary dates back to 1789 and the church Franciscan, demolished and then rebuilt in 1913. The street ends at Taksim Square, an open field of a large, modern and always bustling hub of Istanbul, was crowned erect a prominent memory of Ataturk and the War of Independence. The main train station to the new tunnels under the box, a nearby bus station, and at the northern end of the Ataturk Cultural Center, one of the places of Istanbul Theater Festival. There are several hotels with five stars.

4 / Sultanahmat Sultanahmet:

Many places of tourist interest are concentrated in Sultanahmat, the heart of the imperial center of the Ottoman Empire. The most important places in this region, the Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, the Sultanahmet Camii (Blue Mosque), yard games, Kabale Carsey covered market (thatched or covered market) Aribatan Sarnesa Art Museum Alasalama.balodhafah to this wonderful selection of sites of historical and architectural, Sultanahmat also has a large concentration of shops Ahudaa commemorative carpet, hotels and guest houses, cafes and restaurants,.

5 / Sariyer Sarıyer:
Dirt - Bojkdr- Killios - Belgrade Forest


Dirt first sight you see on the way to Sariyer is the confluence of the Bosporus with the Black Sea after curvature River (dirt) around this area there are summer houses, embassies and fish restaurants along the river line (dirt).
The dirt is considered since the seventeenth century palace ambassadors and people nobles and now she is beautiful tourist areas on the Bosphorus, one of the places of interest Specials Gulf tourists and the hotel (Qrand Hôtel dirt), a government five-star hotel and about this hotel abound restaurants, cafes and apartments rented by tourists has Anchrh in last period international restaurants to fast food. The narrow road up to (Bojkdr) and continue the road to
(Killios) of beaches Alriah Sariyer and ROMILLY Kavishe are considered the last of the European ports section of Istanbul, there are several kilometers of forest (Belgrade) This is one of the largest natural forest resorts in Istanbul.

6 / Killios:

Killios closest resort outside of Istanbul, on the Black Sea coast on the European side of the Bosphorus. When a Greek fishing village, the resort Torhma marked interest, and very crowded in the summer. Because of the ease of access it there 0.25 kilometers and has a private beaches are accessed by a simple drawings and a number of hotels.

7 / Scudar skudar:

Scudar suburb on the Bosporus from the suburbs more attractive on the Asian side faces quiet of the most prominent features of the Ottoman Building: Aizquil, or Mahramah Cami opposite the main ferry pier and Winnie Valeda Cami, built in 1710, and the tomb of Sultan falled green. Senila mosque and takes its name from the beautiful tiles that decorate the interior, built in 1640, and also as a Scudar famous shopping streets of the old market. There are plenty of good restaurants and cafes.

8 / Islands princesses (Buick Ada):

Prince Islands, an archipelago of nine islands in the Sea of Marmara, were being imprisoned for Byzantine princes. Today, during the summer months, wealthy Istanbul, fleeing into the cold sea and gorgeous houses century l 9 Eng. Bojkada the largest of the islands .... And it can be enjoyed a tour of the horse-drawn trolley (cart) among the pine trees, or relax on the beach in one of the numerous coves that knock the island. The other popular islands as nal, Sedev, Bergaz and Hebelaada. Regular ferries between the islands and both European and Asian shores. Sea operates bus trip faster than Kabatas in the summer. And evaluate the many tour companies daily flights ((full day trip)) to the islands in the amount ranging from $$ 60 to $$ 75 per person.
These islands famous for its beaches and pine trees. The largest and most islands a fun BUYUKADA, where you can enjoy the ride horse-drawn carriages between pine trees after lying down on the shores of bays.
Other islands are KINALI and SEDEF and BURGAZ and HEYBELIADA. Can move between these islands on the abras that regular flights, in addition to sea bass that are available in the summer from KABATAS service. The tourists can also enjoy buying souvenirs from shops in the,, and learned from the lives of these islands are all Jews.

9 / suspension bridge:

Extends between sections of Istanbul and the European and Asian inaugurated on October 29, 1973 m, the fourth bridge in the world in terms of length (1500 m) and a height of 65 meters and width 33 meters and is the only bridge between the continents of Asia and Europe

10 / Tower Glath:

Tower of cylindrical stone with a length of 50 meters and is now a museum, its electric elevator and above all see the neighborhoods of Istanbul.

11 / Covered Market (Kabbala Jarchi):

Istanbul, the largest roofed markets contracts of stone and is located between the collector and Bayezid Mosque Noor Osmani in northern Ihsanoglu was established neighborhood in 1416 AD and includes thousand of shops and has a market for gold, cloth, carpets, brass antiques and has an international reputation.

12 / Egyptian market:

Ordered constructed by Sultan Khadija in the seventh century AD, is located near the new mosque (New Mosque) and sold the most popular types of nuts, spices and honey.

13 / Hagia Sophia:

Is a historic church built by Constantine the Great and rebuilt King Justinian in 532 AD and transformed after the Ottoman conquest to the mosque and then to the Museum and the Hagia Sophia means (Holy Wisdom), which is the name of St. Sophia and is considered one of the architectural wonders throughout the ages the museum because of the huge dome which has a height of 55 meters and a diameter of 31 meters and the trappings of a Byzantine mosaic was destroyed by earthquakes several times and was renovated .. after opening the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Constantinople went to the Hagia Sophia and prayed Friday and turned it into a mosque and began to build a four minarets in a row to the mosque and was followed by his son Bayezid and Sultan Selim who built beacons the area this mosque is about 5544 square meters and between the museum and Sultanahmet Mosque garden fountains and exquisite. - Open every day except Monday

14 / Sultan Ahmed Mosque (the Blue Mosque):

The so-called Blue Mosque was established by order of the Sultan Ahmdalol year 1609, which wanted to build a larger Hagia Sophia mosque, and has six minarets Ahihama of gold and completed architectural built Mohammad Agha in 1616 and Artvla mosque, 47 meters long and 51 meters and a length of 53 meters and a diameter central dome 22 meters .. and catch Mosque School House healing and water fountains and engraved on the walls of a great Islamic motifs and lines bearing Koranic verses.

15 / collector Salmaniya:

Created by architect Sinan Prime Builders order of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent up high, Istanbul in 1550 and is one of the coolest effects of this architecture has four minarets and Ttosth huge dome height of 53 meters and Zain inside Ptashik glass Badie and the writings of great Islamic lines lineman Effendi Alaqrahsari and without after Hasan Celebi lines wonderful and has extensions including library Salmaniya Hospital and School boys and Dar al-Fatwa and bathroom market and cemetery Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.

16 / Topkapi Palace (Topkapı):

Topkapi Palace is located near the confluence of the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn and the Marmara Sea Point. It was the focus of the Ottoman Empire between the fifteenth and nineteenth, where he lived and the rule of the sultans and their entourage center of this rich atmosphere, characterized by his garden palace wooden wonderful contains treasures of the Ottoman Empire. As well as special treasures Balexandr Sarjufacuss Sarjufacuss interface temple flying to Athens from Asus. Palace as listeners Featuring a lounge and library Ahmet (Ahmed) The third exhibition of the Royal costumes worn by the sultans and their families, the famous jewelry and rare set of miniature copies of medieval manuscripts. In the depth of this campus, there are precious abaya compartment in which the reservation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad special effects, which I brought to Istanbul when the Ottomans took a succession of Islam.

17 / Palace Dolma Bahtch:

Interface Dolma Bahtch Palace was built in the mid-nineteenth century Sultan Abdul Majid first, stretching 600 meters along the European shore of the Bosphorus. And astonish the lobby of the wide receivers six fifty Boamdth crystal chandeliers, which weighs 4.5 tons and has a 750 lamp. Ataturk died founder of the Turkish Republic in the palace in the January 10 general 0.1938

18 / Palace Baillarpie:

In the nineteenth century, built the Sultan Abdul Aziz Palace Baillarpie of white marble and is located amidst gardens Almanolia, on the Asian coast overlooking the Bosphorus. And use the summer headquarters of the Sultan and the center to host high-level visitors. The Empress Eugenie of France, who built it.

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