mardi 10 février 2015

Tbilisi incubator to a large variety of tourist destinations which include cathedrals

Black Sea countries Icon and Dora the beautiful tourist destinations .. Georgia with a charming nature and hospitable people and the diverse effects is open to anyone to explore this full of everything that is amazing and exciting country.


Tourism is not complete in this country without visiting the capital, Tbilisi, where residents no more than 1.5 million people, the majority of the population speaks Russian, and live in a harmonious mix of Orthodox Christians, Muslims and Jews.

Tbilisi is a major Georgian cities located on the banks of the Kura River, known as the Tbilisi Georgian language and Tfelici in Russian.

The city covers an area of 726 square kilometers, and a population of about two million people, and was founded in the fifth century AD and remained the capital of Georgia, about 1,500 years old and represent an important incubator for industries and the social environment and cultural center of radiation.

Tourist sites

Tbilisi is the incubator of a large variety of tourist destinations which include cathedrals such as cathedrals and Samaba Sioni and the Freedom Square that are filled with classical buildings inspired by the great and the Rustaveli Theater and the National Museum of Georgia.

Tbilisi has taken great fame, where the favorite resort of the poet Alexander Bashkin and writer Liu Tostoy and Mikhail Lermontov Russian royal Romanov family that founded a monument in her neighborhood Golovin (currently Rustaveli neighborhood).

DC is also characterized by a rich effects and castles and forts from different eras, including the Turkish era during the control of the Caucasus, a what you see is exactly as it was, as has been maintained at all neighborhoods old image.

Resemble Tbilisi listed Romania surrounded by mountains on three sides, and extends part of the city located on the Left Bank of the Kura River for a distance of 30 kilometers, while actually part on the right shore of the # island rises on the roofs of the hills, and in all cases descend slopes to reach the edge of the river .

Destination for tourists

Georgia is characterized by its geographical location between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea as it sits mountain peaks, a destination for skiers tourists climbing peaks, in addition to its coast and sea beautiful waters that reach a temperature of 24 degrees in the summer, it's also known, especially in Jonio Forest Botanic where you enjoy the charming lakes trips witch freely between towering mountains.

Between the two continents

For Europe, Asia, the limits, the Republic of Georgia, which is bordered by the Black Sea to the west and south, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia, the North is located.

Despite the fact that Georgia's territorial area of 69 thousand and 700 square kilometers, it is not found in the southern part of the Caucasus mountain range on its soil only 13% of the plains.

The most prominent cities

Kotezi (233 000 inhabitants), Rustavi (150 000 inhabitants), Butama (130 000 inhabitants), Sukhumi (120 000 inhabitants), Gori (60 000 inhabitants).

Highlands, rivers and lakes

Chkara (5068 meters), Janga (5059 meters), Kazpeggy (5047 meters), and shove Georgian territory four major rivers, located in lakes fresh water is Baravani (an area of 38 square kilometers and a depth of 3.3 kilometers at an altitude of 2073 meters above sea level), there is another group of lakes are as valuable as Baravani.

Currency and timing

Georgians used cash and nationally called the lari, and the dollar is equal to # 1.6 Larry and equal pieces European single euro 2.4 Larry, but for the timing always credited to four hours local time.


A climate in western Georgia that hydrated and copious rain, while eastern regions of Georgia are subject to a continental climate, climate like Alpine is located at an altitude of 1,200 meters, where falls of snow that can keep throughout the year and ranges from average temperatures in the summer between 20 and to 24 degrees Celsius and landing temperatures to below two degrees Celsius.


The airport is about Aasmna Tbilisi 20 kilometers, and can be used as a taxi or bus to go from the airport to the city, while the wages of transportation is relatively cheap.


Museums open their doors from time 11-4 in the afternoon and closed its doors on Monday each week.


For fans of shopping shops open every day from ten in the morning until eight at night, while the restaurants open their doors every day of the eleventh hour until midnight.

It remains to be visiting Georgia will be a distinctive experience remain in the memory of what you'll find sites and places sink with it within the confines of the nature of the charming and picturesque.

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